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01  /   05   /   2019

A proposal for a modular pavilion situated inside of the abandoned Temple Church, Redcliffe, Bristol. My concept drew inspiration from the history of the ornate features of the building and its gothic roots, which were designed to 'reach for the heavens'. 

The materials used in the model of the pavilion were brass, solder, plywood and canvas. I started by creating a wooden jig which allowed me to ensure that the space between each square was exactly the same size. When starting to construct the scaffolding, I assembled some of the vertical brass pieces and then started to solder the horizontal pieces on using the jig to assure they were the correct height. This was a long process because each piece of brass had to be soldered together and secured to make sure the structure was fixed. To present the model I used a light plane of plywood to complement the gold tones of the pavilion. 

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